= VTK-Python binaries for Win32 = == Instructions for VTK-4.4.2-Python-2.4.1.zip == This was built using VC7 on a 32 bit Win32 machine by Burkhard Doliwa for Python 2.4.1, Tcl8.4.11. Using the dlls requires having an installed Python-2.4.1 version. If we assume that your Python install was in `C:\Python24` then simply unzip the contents of this ZIP file into that directory. The ZIP file basically contains the dlls and modules inside `Lib\site-packages\` You should now be able to use VTK from Python. To test the install try this: python -c "import vtk; print vtk.vtkVersion().GetVTKSourceVersion()" If it runs without error you are done. == Instructions for VTK-Python-4.4.zip == This ZIP file was made from the VTK dlls included in an unofficial [http://www.enthought.com/downloads/downloads.htm Enthought Python bundle]. Using this ZIP file requires that you have Python-2.3 installed. If we assume that your Python install was in `C:\Python23` then simply unzip the contents of this ZIP file into that directory. The ZIP file basically contains files inside `Lib\site-packages\` and also some inside `Scripts\`. You should make sure that `C:\Python23\Scripts` is in your `PATH` (it should be). You should now be able to use VTK from Python. To test the install try this: python -c "import vtk; print vtk.vtkVersion().GetVTKSourceVersion()" If it runs without error you are done.